So with an optimist mindset,
- I pray & aspire that the thought of my family is there in every action, prayer, wish or deed
- I hope i have the strength to bring changes that I can and the courage to accept things that can’t be changed.
- I pray for the sensibility to accept failures where it’s apt to do so, have the wisdom to learn from them and the strength to rise above them.
- I hope to be fortunate enough to learn something new every single day and have the awareness to put it to some good use.
- I hope that i have the ability to balance the priorities in my life. My feelings for my family or the adventures I’d like to embark upon with them don’t remain thoughts but transition into actions converting into memories that are cherished forever.
- I intend to avoid getting overwhelmed by things that I don’t control or get bogged down by the thoughts that aren’t real
- I hope to embrace the lessons of the past year and pray they stand in good stead for the year ahead.
- I pray my fears don’t slow my pace, so that i can have the courage to fight negativity within and the strength of will to replace it with positive thoughts.
- I hope to share my experiences, lessons and knowledge to help others grow. I pray that I can contribute and be a part of something bigger than myself.
- And last i hope and pray for courage to believe that whatever happens is the only way things were meant to be
Amor Fati